Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Happy Holidays to All from the Staff at Woonsocket.

Tuesday, December 22nd
GB/BB @ Mt Vernon/Plank (Plank) 4:00pm, bus leaves 2:30pm 

Plankinton Home Activities Fan and Team Protocol

There will be a concession stand with limited foods available

The Plankinton School appreciates you cooperation during this difficult situation. At this time there are no restrictions on fan attending our home events. We do strongly encourage social distancing and wearing a mask. Thank you 

ALL fans must enter through the south doors. We will work to keep spots open for disabled and elderly fans

- Opposing team fans must sit on the east side of the gym

- Opposing team fans will use the east hallway to enter the gym.

- Opposing team fans will use the east bathrooms in the elementary wing

 Early out 1:30pm

Breakfast:  Chef's choice
Lunch:  Chef's choice
  • Woonsocket School Opening-

Part-Time custodial Position  ($13.90/hr)  

  • We had to change our Corsica JH GB/BB date.   The game was to be held on Jan. 8 and now has been moved to Jan. 25.  The Girls at 6PM, Boys 7PM on Monday, Jan. 25 in Woonsocket vs. Corsica

  • 2020 Holiday Classic

Girls 12/29/20

11:30 Iroquois-Doland vs. DeSmet

1:00 JVCHS vs. Lyman

2:30 Chester vs. Jones Co.

4:00 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule

5:30 Howard vs. Warner

7:00 Faulkton vs. Colman-Egan

Boys 12/30/20

11:30 Iroquois-Doland vs. Burke

1:00 JVCHS vs. McIntosh

2:30 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule

4:00 Faulkton vs. Ethan

5:30 Gayville Volin vs. Redfield

7:00 Clark-Willow Lake vs. Wessington Springs 

  • All games will be streamed – Steve included the information in his email.
  • Teams are asked to bring their own water bottles and do not share 
  • We will have a water cooler to fill water bottles.   There will also be a bottle of hand sanitizer by the cooler.  Please use this before filling water bottles.
  • There is also a touchless water bottle station at both sites where players can fill up water bottles.
  • We will spread out chairs so extra players need to sit in bleachers.  Only coaches and uniformed players are allowed on the bench.  
  • We will limit how many people can be in the arena trainer’s room at one time.  Only four athletes and a coach at a time allowed and everyone must wear a mask. 
  • Masks are required in the arena at all times unless warming up or playing.  Coaches on the bench need to wear a mask but can pull it down to yell instructions to the team on the court. 
  • Spectators are REQUIRED to wear a mask and social distance.
  • Team seating will be designated by the ticket window.   Please clear the bleachers after each game.  Spectators can go upstairs in the balcony if they want to stay for other games.
  • Head table will be essential personnel only and all will wear masks (shot clock, clock, book, announcer, Dak Stat workers).  No managers at the head table. 
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the ends of the head table.   Players are encouraged to use this before entering the game or returning to the bench.
  • At this time, we have no spectator restrictions and we ask spectators to social distance in the arena.  
  • Rows one and two will be blocked off on both sides to keep a team bubble on the bench side and to keep spectators further away from officials and players.
  • Spectators will not be allowed on the court after the game.  
  • We will make PA announcements for fans to leave immediately following the game and not linger in the arena.   Parents can visit with players by the bus or at home.
  • The press box is off limits to any team personnel.   This area is for radio personnel only.
  • Post-game protocol: Officials leave immediately and no team handshakes.  Teams are asked to leave immediately and get to their respective locker room.
  • SOUTH bench is the designated home bench.
  • Videotaping can take place on the platforms in the east and west balcony.   Power strips are already in place.

The Huron School Board has decided to pay the annual fee so this is free to all viewers for the 2020-21 school year.


If you want to watch on your phone, you need to download the NFHS app.


If you are watching on a computer, you will need to update your browser. (Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge seem to work best with the NFHS system.)


Here is the link https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/huron-high-school-huron-sd


 Found:  Several pairs of glasses.
Found in change donations, small silver ring.


Woonsocket School District Covid-19 Update



Woonsocket School Phases-
Green- New Normal
Yellow- Warning/Extra Precautions
Red- School Closed/Flex Learning

Woonsocket School Current Phase- GREEN

Woonsocket Active Student/Staff Positive Cases

PK-6 Elementary

Current # positives



Current # recovered cases



7-12 High School 

Current # positives



Current # recovered cases





 Upcoming Information 

Monday December 28th
GB practice @ SC, BB practice @ Woony 9:00am
JH BB @ Woony 11 AM- 12:30
Tuesday December 29th
Huron Holiday Classic
4:00 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule 
BB practice @ Woony 9:00am
5/6th GB practice @ Woony 6:00pm
JH BB @ Woony 11 AM- 12:30
Wednesday December 30th
BB Huron Classic
2:30 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule 
GB practice @ SC 9:00am
JH BB @ Woony 9:00am-11:00am
Thursday December 31st
GB practice @ SC, BB practice @ Woony 9:00am
Friday January 1st

Saturday January 2nd
Wrestling @ Salem 9:00am
Sunday January 3rd
5/6th GB practice @ Woony 5:00pm 

Monday, January 4th
GB practice @ Woony, BB practice @ SC

Tuesday January 5th
GB/BB vs Bridgewater/Emery @ SC JV/V

Wednesday January 6th
GB practice @ Woony, BB practice @ SC

Thursday January 7th
GB/BB @ Howard JV/V leave 3:00pm

Friday January 8th
GB practice @ Woony, BB practice @ SC
Wrestling @ Faulkton 6:30pm
Saturday January 9th
3/4th GB practice @ Woony 9:00am
GB Redfield Classic
MS Wrestling @ Mitchell 10:00am
Wrestling @ Miller 10:00am
Sunday January 19th
5/6th GB practice @ Woony 5:00pm





Counseling Corner

Students interested in the United States Senate Youth Program - the application is due EXTENDED to December 18. The application is on Mrs. Foxley's website (https://blackhawkcounselor.weebly.com/under Student Opportunities. See below for more information. 
" The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) Washington Week will be held online March 14-18, 2021. Two students from each state will be selected to attend the online program and each will receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship. Students may qualify to apply through leadership positions they currently hold per the USSYP official criteria for the current 2020-2021 academic year. If students are unable to hold leadership positions this year due to the pandemic, they can submit the position they held during the 2019-2020 academic year. All student leadership qualifying positions are subject to the judgement of the state selection administrator and will be verified and confirmed."







The library will close December 22nd at 1:30 PM for Christmas break.  It will be open on Wednesday, December 30th from 7:45 AM to 4 PM.

We have a monthly book club for adults. If you are interested in joining, please contact Bev Dunn at Woonsocket.library@k12.sd.us of 605-796-1412.

Any student at home can do an AR test by contacting Mrs. Dunn and setting up a time to do one over the phone. You can test of email her at 605-461-8905 or bev.dunn@k12.sd.us.

A friendly reminder that you must put on hand sanitizer when entering the library. Thank you.

Just a reminder that you can also get your AR points by doing a book report. Please use the following form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Dunn.



Board members: Jolynn Foos, Kami Moody, Tasha Hagman and Jessica Anderson. Keep saving Box Tops, County Fair United Savers Cards and pop tabs .



Woonsocket Wi-Fi

The Woonsocket Community and Events Center has expanded its central role in connecting community residents and visitors. Santel Communications recently installed a Public Wi-Fi system that provides free Wi-Fi.

According to Woonsocket Schools Superintendent, Dr. Rod Weber, “The school’s remote and eLearning platforms require the student’s reliable access to the Internet. It is important for the school to work with families and community to provide connectivity they need to continue learning through varied pandemic conditions and restrictions. Santel approached the school on ways to help and within a short amount of time, free public Wi-Fi was implemented.”

The community center now has Wi-Fi coverage inside and outside the building. The students and public are invited to use and access Internet for their needs. General Manager Ryan Thompson of Santel states, “Our enhanced Wi-Fi systems allow expanded coverage in an area commonly used by the community for many different events and gatherings. If more stringent social distancing is required, we felt it was important to offer students and residents outdoor ‘drive up’ Internet as well. Drive up, park, connect. Easy, safe and convenient.”

Internet-connected device users should select the community center Wi-Fi access point on their device and with no password required the system allows up to a 2-hour session of free Wi-Fi internet.

Feeding South Dakota December 2nd

To add anything to the announcements, please contact luci.grassel@k12.sd.us

Monday, December 21, 2020


Monday, December 21
GB practice @ SC, BB practice @ Woony
JH GB/BB @ Mt Vernon (old gym) 4:30pm, bus leaves 3:15pm
4:30 Girls JH B (16 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
5:10 Girls JH A (20 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
6:00 Boys JH B (16 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
6:40 Boys JH A (20 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
Breakfast:  Chef's choice
Lunch:  Christmas dinner

  • Class Colors:





8th Grade-Blue

7th Grade-Gray

World Classroom Trip Update
Any students or parents who have signed up for our Washington D.C. trip we are still on schedule to travel. You will be receiving an update in January about the trip. Mid April to the beginning of May we will have a meeting to go over the itinerary, safety, packing list, etc. This will be a digital meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Karen Jackson or Bev Dunn. Thank you!
  • Woonsocket School Opening-

Part-Time custodial Position  ($13.90/hr)  

  • We had to change our Corsica JH GB/BB date.   The game was to be held on Jan. 8 and now has been moved to Jan. 25.  The Girls at 6PM, Boys 7PM on Monday, Jan. 25 in Woonsocket vs. Corsica

  • 2020 Holiday Classic

Girls 12/29/20

11:30 Iroquois-Doland vs. DeSmet

1:00 JVCHS vs. Lyman

2:30 Chester vs. Jones Co.

4:00 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule

5:30 Howard vs. Warner

7:00 Faulkton vs. Colman-Egan

Boys 12/30/20

11:30 Iroquois-Doland vs. Burke

1:00 JVCHS vs. McIntosh

2:30 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule

4:00 Faulkton vs. Ethan

5:30 Gayville Volin vs. Redfield

7:00 Clark-Willow Lake vs. Wessington Springs 

  • All games will be streamed – Steve included the information in his email.
  • Teams are asked to bring their own water bottles and do not share 
  • We will have a water cooler to fill water bottles.   There will also be a bottle of hand sanitizer by the cooler.  Please use this before filling water bottles.
  • There is also a touchless water bottle station at both sites where players can fill up water bottles.
  • We will spread out chairs so extra players need to sit in bleachers.  Only coaches and uniformed players are allowed on the bench.  
  • We will limit how many people can be in the arena trainer’s room at one time.  Only four athletes and a coach at a time allowed and everyone must wear a mask. 
  • Masks are required in the arena at all times unless warming up or playing.  Coaches on the bench need to wear a mask but can pull it down to yell instructions to the team on the court. 
  • Spectators are REQUIRED to wear a mask and social distance.
  • Team seating will be designated by the ticket window.   Please clear the bleachers after each game.  Spectators can go upstairs in the balcony if they want to stay for other games.
  • Head table will be essential personnel only and all will wear masks (shot clock, clock, book, announcer, Dak Stat workers).  No managers at the head table. 
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the ends of the head table.   Players are encouraged to use this before entering the game or returning to the bench.
  • At this time, we have no spectator restrictions and we ask spectators to social distance in the arena.  
  • Rows one and two will be blocked off on both sides to keep a team bubble on the bench side and to keep spectators further away from officials and players.
  • Spectators will not be allowed on the court after the game.  
  • We will make PA announcements for fans to leave immediately following the game and not linger in the arena.   Parents can visit with players by the bus or at home.
  • The press box is off limits to any team personnel.   This area is for radio personnel only.
  • Post-game protocol: Officials leave immediately and no team handshakes.  Teams are asked to leave immediately and get to their respective locker room.
  • SOUTH bench is the designated home bench.
  • Videotaping can take place on the platforms in the east and west balcony.   Power strips are already in place.

The Huron School Board has decided to pay the annual fee so this is free to all viewers for the 2020-21 school year.


If you want to watch on your phone, you need to download the NFHS app.


If you are watching on a computer, you will need to update your browser. (Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge seem to work best with the NFHS system.)


Here is the link https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/huron-high-school-huron-sd


 Found:  Several pairs of glasses.
Found in change donations, small silver ring.


Woonsocket School District Covid-19 Update



Woonsocket School Phases-
Green- New Normal
Yellow- Warning/Extra Precautions
Red- School Closed/Flex Learning

Woonsocket School Current Phase- GREEN

Woonsocket Active Student/Staff Positive Cases

PK-6 Elementary

Current # positives



Current # recovered cases



7-12 High School 

Current # positives



Current # recovered cases





 Upcoming Information 


Tuesday, December 22nd
GB/BB @ Mt Vernon/Plank (Plank) 4:00pm, bus leaves 2:30pm 

Plankinton Home Activities Fan and Team Protocol

There will be a concession stand with limited foods available

The Plankinton School appreciates you cooperation during this difficult situation. At this time there are no restrictions on fan attending our home events. We do strongly encourage social distancing and wearing a mask. Thank you 

ALL fans must enter through the south doors. We will work to keep spots open for disabled and elderly fans

- Opposing team fans must sit on the east side of the gym

- Opposing team fans will use the east hallway to enter the gym.

- Opposing team fans will use the east bathrooms in the elementary wing

 Early out 1:30pm

Breakfast:  Chef's choice
Lunch:  Chef's choice

Monday December 28th
GB practice @ SC, BB practice @ Woony 9:00am
JH BB @ Woony 11 AM- 12:30
Tuesday December 29th
Huron Holiday Classic
4:00 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule 
BB practice @ Woony 9:00am
5/6th GB practice @ Woony 6:00pm
JH BB @ Woony 11 AM- 12:30
Wednesday December 30th
BB Huron Classic
2:30 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule 
GB practice @ SC 9:00am
JH BB @ Woony 9:00am-11:00am
Thursday December 31st
GB practice @ SC, BB practice @ Woony 9:00am
Friday January 1st

Saturday January 2nd
Wrestling @ Salem 9:00am
Sunday January 3rd
5/6th GB practice @ Woony 5:00pm 

Monday, January 4th
GB practice @ Woony, BB practice @ SC

Tuesday January 5th
GB/BB vs Bridgewater/Emery @ SC JV/V

Wednesday January 6th
GB practice @ Woony, BB practice @ SC

Thursday January 7th
GB/BB @ Howard JV/V leave 3:00pm

Friday January 8th
GB practice @ Woony, BB practice @ SC
Wrestling @ Faulkton 6:30pm
Saturday January 9th
3/4th GB practice @ Woony 9:00am
GB Redfield Classic
MS Wrestling @ Mitchell 10:00am
Wrestling @ Miller 10:00am
Sunday Janaury 19th
5/6th GB practice @ Woony 5:00pm





Counseling Corner

Students interested in the United States Senate Youth Program - the application is due EXTENDED to December 18. The application is on Mrs. Foxley's website (https://blackhawkcounselor.weebly.com/under Student Opportunities. See below for more information. 
" The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) Washington Week will be held online March 14-18, 2021. Two students from each state will be selected to attend the online program and each will receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship. Students may qualify to apply through leadership positions they currently hold per the USSYP official criteria for the current 2020-2021 academic year. If students are unable to hold leadership positions this year due to the pandemic, they can submit the position they held during the 2019-2020 academic year. All student leadership qualifying positions are subject to the judgement of the state selection administrator and will be verified and confirmed."







The library will close December 22nd at 1:30 PM for Christmas break.  It will be open on Wednesday, December 30th from 7:45 AM to 4 PM.

We have a monthly book club for adults. If you are interested in joining, please contact Bev Dunn at Woonsocket.library@k12.sd.us of 605-796-1412.

Any student at home can do an AR test by contacting Mrs. Dunn and setting up a time to do one over the phone. You can test of email her at 605-461-8905 or bev.dunn@k12.sd.us.

A friendly reminder that you must put on hand sanitizer when entering the library. Thank you.

Just a reminder that you can also get your AR points by doing a book report. Please use the following form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Dunn.



Board members: Jolynn Foos, Kami Moody, Tasha Hagman and Jessica Anderson. Keep saving Box Tops, County Fair United Savers Cards and pop tabs .



Woonsocket Wi-Fi

The Woonsocket Community and Events Center has expanded its central role in connecting community residents and visitors. Santel Communications recently installed a Public Wi-Fi system that provides free Wi-Fi.

According to Woonsocket Schools Superintendent, Dr. Rod Weber, “The school’s remote and eLearning platforms require the student’s reliable access to the Internet. It is important for the school to work with families and community to provide connectivity they need to continue learning through varied pandemic conditions and restrictions. Santel approached the school on ways to help and within a short amount of time, free public Wi-Fi was implemented.”

The community center now has Wi-Fi coverage inside and outside the building. The students and public are invited to use and access Internet for their needs. General Manager Ryan Thompson of Santel states, “Our enhanced Wi-Fi systems allow expanded coverage in an area commonly used by the community for many different events and gatherings. If more stringent social distancing is required, we felt it was important to offer students and residents outdoor ‘drive up’ Internet as well. Drive up, park, connect. Easy, safe and convenient.”

Internet-connected device users should select the community center Wi-Fi access point on their device and with no password required the system allows up to a 2-hour session of free Wi-Fi internet.

Feeding South Dakota December 2nd

To add anything to the announcements, please contact luci.grassel@k12.sd.us

Friday, December 18, 2020



Friday, December 18th
GB practice @ Woony, BB practice @ SC 3:45pm
JH GB/BB vs Springs @ Woony 6:00pm
Breakfast: Long johnLunch: BBQ beef sandwich, french fries, coleslaw


The Senska's are bringing ice cream sandwiches to share with the school and faculty today as a small token of appreciation for your support of their family over the last couple months. They also wanted you to know that the money raised at the school is going to be used for projects around the lake so everyone can enjoy. Their one big project is putting in a dock on the east side for easy access to the lake for kayaks/canoes/or anything fun. Sutton loved the lake and water and would be super proud. Thank you all again, The Senska Family

  • Juniors or seniors interested taking dual credit classes in the spring semester need to talk to Mrs. Foxley by Friday, December 18.  
  • Students interested in the United States Senate Youth Program - the application is due EXTENDED to December 18. The application is on Mrs. Foxley's website (https://blackhawkcounselor.weebly.com/under Student Opportunities. See below for more information. 
  • JV game
    Corsica/Stickney 36  Blackhawks 32
    Leaders: Jaycee Baruth 11 points and Liz Boschee 10 points

    Varsity game
    Corsica/Stickney 54  Blackhawks 31
    Trinity Boschee 11 points
    Trista White 10 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists
    Teya Moody 5 points and 3 assists
    Boys Varsity

    SCW: 43     C/S: 63
    Brady Larson: 13 pts
    Hayden Beigh: 9 pts, 7 reb

    Boys JV:
    SCW: 22         C/S: 31
    Hayden Beigh: 12 pts
    Toby Kneen: 6 pts
  • Class Colors:





8th Grade-Blue

7th Grade-Gray

World Classroom Trip Update
Any students or parents who have signed up for our Washington D.C. trip we are still on schedule to travel. You will be receiving an update in January about the trip. Mid April to the beginning of May we will have a meeting to go over the itinerary, safety, packing list, etc. This will be a digital meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Karen Jackson or Bev Dunn. Thank you!
  • Woonsocket School Opening-

Part-Time custodial Position  ($13.90/hr)  

  • We had to change our Corsica JH GB/BB date.   The game was to be held on Jan. 8 and now has been moved to Jan. 25.  The Girls at 6PM, Boys 7PM on Monday, Jan. 25 in Woonsocket vs. Corsica

  • 2020 Holiday Classic

Girls 12/29/20

11:30 Iroquois-Doland vs. DeSmet

1:00 JVCHS vs. Lyman

2:30 Chester vs. Jones Co.

4:00 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule

5:30 Howard vs. Warner

7:00 Faulkton vs. Colman-Egan

Boys 12/30/20

11:30 Iroquois-Doland vs. Burke

1:00 JVCHS vs. McIntosh

2:30 Sanborn C.-Woonsocket vs. Lower Brule

4:00 Faulkton vs. Ethan

5:30 Gayville Volin vs. Redfield

7:00 Clark-Willow Lake vs. Wessington Springs 

  • All games will be streamed – Steve included the information in his email.
  • Teams are asked to bring their own water bottles and do not share 
  • We will have a water cooler to fill water bottles.   There will also be a bottle of hand sanitizer by the cooler.  Please use this before filling water bottles.
  • There is also a touchless water bottle station at both sites where players can fill up water bottles.
  • We will spread out chairs so extra players need to sit in bleachers.  Only coaches and uniformed players are allowed on the bench.  
  • We will limit how many people can be in the arena trainer’s room at one time.  Only four athletes and a coach at a time allowed and everyone must wear a mask. 
  • Masks are required in the arena at all times unless warming up or playing.  Coaches on the bench need to wear a mask but can pull it down to yell instructions to the team on the court. 
  • Spectators are REQUIRED to wear a mask and social distance.
  • Team seating will be designated by the ticket window.   Please clear the bleachers after each game.  Spectators can go upstairs in the balcony if they want to stay for other games.
  • Head table will be essential personnel only and all will wear masks (shot clock, clock, book, announcer, Dak Stat workers).  No managers at the head table. 
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the ends of the head table.   Players are encouraged to use this before entering the game or returning to the bench.
  • At this time, we have no spectator restrictions and we ask spectators to social distance in the arena.  
  • Rows one and two will be blocked off on both sides to keep a team bubble on the bench side and to keep spectators further away from officials and players.
  • Spectators will not be allowed on the court after the game.  
  • We will make PA announcements for fans to leave immediately following the game and not linger in the arena.   Parents can visit with players by the bus or at home.
  • The press box is off limits to any team personnel.   This area is for radio personnel only.
  • Post-game protocol: Officials leave immediately and no team handshakes.  Teams are asked to leave immediately and get to their respective locker room.
  • SOUTH bench is the designated home bench.
  • Videotaping can take place on the platforms in the east and west balcony.   Power strips are already in place.

The Huron School Board has decided to pay the annual fee so this is free to all viewers for the 2020-21 school year.


If you want to watch on your phone, you need to download the NFHS app.


If you are watching on a computer, you will need to update your browser. (Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge seem to work best with the NFHS system.)


Here is the link https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/huron-high-school-huron-sd


 Found:  Several pairs of glasses.
Found in change donations, small silver ring.


Woonsocket School District Covid-19 Update



Woonsocket School Phases-
Green- New Normal
Yellow- Warning/Extra Precautions
Red- School Closed/Flex Learning

Woonsocket School Current Phase- GREEN

Woonsocket Active Student/Staff Positive Cases

PK-6 Elementary

Current # positives



Current # recovered cases



7-12 High School 

Current # positives



Current # recovered cases





 Upcoming Information 

Saturday, December 19th
Wrestling @ Plankinton 9:30pm 

Monday, December 21
GB practice @ SC, BB practice @ WOony
JH GB/BB @ Mt Vernon (old gym) 4:3pm, bus leaves 3:15pm
4:30 Girls JH B (16 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
5:10 Girls JH A (20 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
6:00 Boys JH B (16 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
6:40 Boys JH A (20 minute running clock halves, 1 minute halftime)
Breakfast:  Chef's choice
Lunch:  Christmas dinner

Tuesday, December 22nd
GB/BB @ Mt Vernon/Plank (Plank) 4:00pm, bus leaves 2:30pm 

Plankinton Home Activities Fan and Team Protocol

There will be a concession stand with limited foods available

The Plankinton School appreciates you cooperation during this difficult situation. At this time there are no restrictions on fan attending our home events. We do strongly encourage social distancing and wearing a mask. Thank you 

ALL fans must enter through the south doors. We will work to keep spots open for disabled and elderly fans

- Opposing team fans must sit on the east side of the gym

- Opposing team fans will use the east hallway to enter the gym.

- Opposing team fans will use the east bathrooms in the elementary wing

 Early out 1:30pm

Breakfast:  Chef's choice
Lunch:  Chef's choice





Counseling Corner

Students interested in the United States Senate Youth Program - the application is due EXTENDED to December 18. The application is on Mrs. Foxley's website (https://blackhawkcounselor.weebly.com/under Student Opportunities. See below for more information. 
" The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) Washington Week will be held online March 14-18, 2021. Two students from each state will be selected to attend the online program and each will receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship. Students may qualify to apply through leadership positions they currently hold per the USSYP official criteria for the current 2020-2021 academic year. If students are unable to hold leadership positions this year due to the pandemic, they can submit the position they held during the 2019-2020 academic year. All student leadership qualifying positions are subject to the judgement of the state selection administrator and will be verified and confirmed."







The library will close December 22nd at 1:30 PM for Christmas break.  It will be open on Wednesday, December 30th from 7:45 AM to 4 PM.

We have a monthly book club for adults. If you are interested in joining, please contact Bev Dunn at Woonsocket.library@k12.sd.us of 605-796-1412.

Any student at home can do an AR test by contacting Mrs. Dunn and setting up a time to do one over the phone. You can test of email her at 605-461-8905 or bev.dunn@k12.sd.us.

A friendly reminder that you must put on hand sanitizer when entering the library. Thank you.

Just a reminder that you can also get your AR points by doing a book report. Please use the following form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Dunn.



Board members: Jolynn Foos, Kami Moody, Tasha Hagman and Jessica Anderson. Keep saving Box Tops, County Fair United Savers Cards and pop tabs .



Woonsocket Wi-Fi

The Woonsocket Community and Events Center has expanded its central role in connecting community residents and visitors. Santel Communications recently installed a Public Wi-Fi system that provides free Wi-Fi.

According to Woonsocket Schools Superintendent, Dr. Rod Weber, “The school’s remote and eLearning platforms require the student’s reliable access to the Internet. It is important for the school to work with families and community to provide connectivity they need to continue learning through varied pandemic conditions and restrictions. Santel approached the school on ways to help and within a short amount of time, free public Wi-Fi was implemented.”

The community center now has Wi-Fi coverage inside and outside the building. The students and public are invited to use and access Internet for their needs. General Manager Ryan Thompson of Santel states, “Our enhanced Wi-Fi systems allow expanded coverage in an area commonly used by the community for many different events and gatherings. If more stringent social distancing is required, we felt it was important to offer students and residents outdoor ‘drive up’ Internet as well. Drive up, park, connect. Easy, safe and convenient.”

Internet-connected device users should select the community center Wi-Fi access point on their device and with no password required the system allows up to a 2-hour session of free Wi-Fi internet.

Feeding South Dakota December 2nd

To add anything to the announcements, please contact luci.grassel@k12.sd.us