Tuesday, April 25
Red Day
Miller Booster Relays @ Miller - 2:00pm. Bus leaving SC at 11:45am, Woony at 12:00pm.
Schedule of events.
Lunch: Garlic Cheese French Bread
Senior Projects
The Seniors have been working hard all year on their Senior Projects. They will be presenting their projects to our judges and community on Wednesday, April 26th. All projects will be presented in Mrs. Henriksen's classroom. Here is a list of the students and their project titles with the time they will present. -- Mrs. Henriksen
Name -- Project -- Time
1. Bailey -- Light Up The Lake -- 8:15-8:30
2. Tristan -- Blackhawks Volleyball Camp -- 8:35-8:50
3. Kailynn -- Dog Hunting Training -- 8:55-9:10
4. Jeslynn -- Dig Pink -- 9:15-9:30
5. Hayden -- Deer Blind -- 9:35-9:50
6. Bella -- Water Aerobics -- 9:55-10:10
7. Camden -- Grain Bin Restoration -- 10:15-10:30
8. Acaiya -- Adoption Awareness -- 10:35-10:50
9. Carver -- Family Fun Night-Fundraiser -- 10:55-11:10
10. Blake -- E-Sports Club -- 11:15-11:30
11. Natalie -- Charlee’s Dream -- 11:35-11:50
Lunch Break 12PM-1PM
12. Hannah -- Little Hawks Dance Camp -- 1:15-1:30
13. Westin -- GMC Blazer/Jimmy Rebuild -- 1:35-1:50
14. Michaela -- Senior Scrapbook -- 1:55-2:10
15. Brody -- Farmall 300 Restoration -- 2:15-2:30
16. Sierra -- The Truth About the Paranormal -- 2:35-2:50
Updated Times for Prom - Saturday, April 29
Grand March is at 8:00pm. The dance will go until 11:30pm with Post-Prom from 12:00am to 2:30am.
Prom Pictures - Pre-Pay Orders - Marks Photography
Online order deadline is 10am the day of prom, 4-29-23. Please share with your prom couples and/or parents. Let us know if you have any questions! http://marks.hhimagehost.com/WoonsocketProm2023
Post Prom Permission slips. Post prom permission forms can be picked up in Mr. Korbel's room or from the attachment and need to be returned by the 28th (everyone attending post prom needs to fill one out).
Post Prom
Post Prom is looking for sweet treat donations (bars, cookies, cut fruit). Please drop donations off Saturday or following Grand March to the Back 9. Please use disposal containers that can be discarded after Post Prom. If you are able to donate please text Melissa at 605-354-0241. Thank You.
Drivers Ed - 2023
If you plan on having your child complete the Drivers Ed course this year, please complete the attached form by April 28th.
Devoted Students
Our school year is quickly winding down. We have two Devoted Students planned to end our year. We will have Devoted Students on Monday, April 24th and Monday, May 8th! We will meet in the Woonsocket commons at 6:00 with supper and a study provided. Any high school student (9th - 12th grade) is welcome to come! Please RSVP at the link below, so we can plan an appropriate amount of food. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! 🙂https://forms.gle/CttvfzsZcKLsdadq7
Hawks Teener Baseball
Baseball season is getting closer, which means we need to find out who is intending to play Hawks Teener Baseball for the 2023 season. Please click on the link to fill out the Intent to Play Form. Please try to have the form filled out by Saturday, April 1st.
D.C. Trip T-Shirt Order Form. Please return order forms to Mrs. Jackson by Monday, May 1st.
Make-Up Day
Make-up day is scheduled for April 28th with a 1:30 dismissal and teacher in-service in the afternoon. This will be a White Day.
Girls Basketball Summer Schedule
Open Gym Schedule:
June 6 (W) June 13 (SC) June 20 (W) June 27 (SC)
July 1-7 off for 4th of July week as per SDHSAA
July 11 (W) July 18 (SC) July 25 (W)
Summer Team Camp Schedule:
June 8: SDSU Team Camp in Brookings. All girls grade 9-12.
Sacred Hoops BB Camp at Woonsocket:
June 6 during open gym July 18 during open gym
Summer League Dates: (subject to change)
June 14 & June 28 6:30-8:30 pm Locations TBA
July 19 & July 26 6:30-8:30pm Locations TBA
Still working on schedule with all the other teams.
Please click here for additional information.
Dakota Dreams Summer Exploration Camps - Middle School Students
South Dakota middle school students will have an opportunity to participate in FREE, five-day career exploration camps this summer. With six camps hosted on South Dakota college campuses across the state, the 2023 Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps will allow incoming 7th and 8th grade students to experience at least 10 different career paths.
June 18-22, 2023 | University of South Dakota + Southeast Technical College
June 25-29, 2023 | Black Hills State University + South Dakota Mines + Western Dakota Technical College
July 9-13, 2023 | Black Hills State University + South Dakota Mines + Western Dakota Technical College
July 9-13, 2023 | South Dakota State University + Lake Area Technical College
July 9-13, 2023 | Northern State University + Lake Area Technical College
July 9-13, 2023 | Dakota State University + Mitchell Technical College
Each camp will accept 100 participants. The deadline to apply is April 15. Students are expected to be notified of acceptance via email the week of April 24, 2023. If availability is limited at a particular site, preference will be given to students from school districts categorized as Title I or as having high absenteeism during COVID.
The Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps are a partnership of the South Dakota Board of Regents, South Dakota Technical Colleges, South Dakota businesses and industry, and the South Dakota Department of Education. The camps are funded with federal dollars available to DOE through the American Rescue Plan Act.
Free, online tutoring available for K-12 students
South Dakota students and families can access a new, online tutoring program, staffed by college students who are preparing to become teachers. The Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program offers FREE online tutoring to K-12 students across the state. One-on-one tutoring sessions can help students with their homework, tackle specific trouble areas, and address broader educational concepts.
Infinite Campus for Parents
The parent portal makes it easy to:- Review & Pay Lunch Balance (no additional fee to pay online)
- See your child's grades and assignments
- See your child's attendance
Download the app and contact Luci (luci.grassel@k12.sd.us) to help set up your username. The app can send push notifications to your preference. The app is available for free on Google and Apple. Parents & Students · Infinite Campus
Woonsocket School Wellness Policy
Stakeholders can participate in the development, review, update, and implementation of the local school wellness policy. If you would like to participate during the next assessment, please contact the school.
Band & Chorus Updates
Woonsocket Band Schedule - don't forget your instruments and music!
- April 26th, Wednesday
- May 3rd, Wednesday
- May 9th, Tuesday
- May 17th, Wednesday
-- Mrs. Selland
Counseling Corner
Boys State - May 29 - June 2, 2023 @ Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD. Click here for additional information. Boys must be a high school Junior or Senior who have never attended Boys State before.
South Dakota Telecommunications Association - 3 scholarships: 2 for $2,000 and 1 for $1,500. Qualifying students: have a high school diploma, GED equivalent or will at graduation in 2023; are accepted into or attending a multi-year program degree at any accredited technical college or accredited post-secondary higher education institution in SD for the fall 2023 semester; are majoring in a degree/program or field of study that is useful in the telecommunications or broadband industry or which significantly relies on the use of broadband services and related technologies; and, is a customer/member or have a parent/legal guardian that is a customer/member of a SDTA member company. Click here for more information and application. Application deadline is June 15th.
Community Corner
May 2023 Food Pantry - Wednesday, May 3rd at 4:30 (until gone) at Sanborn County Courthouse, weather permitting. Details here.
April is "Month of the Military Child". VFW Post 2750 Auxiliary in Mitchell has teamed up with Logan Luxury Theaters and Community Sponsors to purchase movie tickets for military kids in the are. Click here for more details.
Express 2 is looking for Part Time night and weekend help. Hours are flexible, offering a sign on bonus, must be at least 16 years old. Contact Rachell at 605-796-4444 or stop at Express 2 for a application.
**If concessions stands are needed for your event please contact Woonsocket Booster Club: Bobbi White 999-4629.**
**Gym will be closed for use from April 20th through April 30th for prom setup and take down.**
Wednesday, April 26
White Day
Senior Project Presentations - Mrs. Henriksen's room
JH/JV Golf meet @ Wessington Springs - 12:00pm. Bus leaving at 11:05 from Woony. Students competing:
JH - Chance Machado-4, Sean Bitterman-4, Tanse Moody-3, Ryan Martinez-4, Jason Moran-4, Dayton Eagle-3, Tyson Kokesh-3, Teagen Eggleston-3.
JV - Teagen Moody-2, Corey Roberts-3, Logan Potrament-3, Parker Ettswold-4, Eli Fry-4, Evan VonEye-3. Jalyn Grassel-3, Greta Bott-4.
Breakfast: French Toast Sticks
Lunch: Tator-Tot Casserole
Thursday, April 27
Red Day
Golf @ Wessington Springs (Varsity) - 12:00pm. Bus leaving at 11:05 from Woony. Students competing: Ethan Schmiedt-1, Jared LaVine-2, Bryce Larson-3, Evan Easton-4, Camden Rassel-4, Rylan Grassel-4, Whitney Hagman-2, Summer Beekman-3, Sidney Salas-4, Natalie Evans-4, Raily Martinez-4, Tatiana Roberts-4.
Chess club meeting in the library during SRB
E-Sports club meeting @ 3:30 in Mr. Rodriguez's room
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza
Lunch: Hot Dog
Friday, April 28
White Day
Early Dismissal - 1:30pm. Teacher in-service.
Rearick/Warbird Relays @ Miller - 12:00pm. Bus leaving SC at 9:45, Woony at 10:00. Schedule of events. Breakfast: Pancake Bites
Lunch: Meatball Sub
Saturday, April 29
Prom - Grand March @ 8:00pm
Monday, May 1
White Day
JH Track Meet - 281 @ Wessington Springs - 1:00pm
Krueger practice - 6-8pm
Tuesday, May 2
Red Day
Golf - 281 Conference (JH/JV/Varsity) @ Wessington Springs - 12:00pm
Wednesday, May 3
White Day
Thursday, May 4
Red Day
Golf @ De Smet (Varsity) - 10:00am
Spring Concert - 7pm
Friday, May 5
White Day
Howard Wood Relays @ Sioux Falls - TBD
Saturday, May 6
Howard Wood Relays @ Sioux Falls - TBD
J. Von Eye practice - 10am-12pm
To add anything to the announcements, please contact sarah.swenson@k12.sd.us.