Grand March will be at 8:30pm instead of 9:00pm this year.
- Post prom permission slips here: Forms will be sent home with students
- Post Prom is Glow in the Dark Night with dodge ball, nine ball bean bag and laser tag.
- Any juniors and seniors interested in taking the ASVAB a second time to
improve your score, let Mrs. Foxley know. The ASVAB test will be
Thursday, May 6 at 8:15.
- Emily
Henriksen and Kayla Olson will be offering Blackhawk Basketball
Workouts this summer. Workouts will be three nights a week from May
23rd-August 1st, and they are open to 4th-8th grade girls and boys
(grade as of next school year). There will also be open gyms once per
week for 2nd-3rd grade girls and boys. Please have your forms and
payment to the office by May 7th. If you have any questions, please
call/text (605) 999-3560. Sign up slip
- The National Honor Society will be having our Ceremony of new members Monday, May 3rd at 6PM at the Community Center. Because of the situation with Covid-19 last year, both the Juniors and Sophomores who are qualified to be in NHS will be inducted.
Bars and Juice will be provided after the ceremony for a short social. We do ask that the Sophomores bring bars or cookies for after the ceremony.
Senior Members: Xavier Baysinger, Kaitlin Brueske, Tyler Eddy, Aleya Fry, Andrew Lindgren, Madison Schmiedt, Collin Schmiedt, Morgan Schmiedt, Noah Terkildsen, & Ellie VonEye
Junior Inductees: Gabriel Boschee, Trinity Boschee, Dilyn Brooks, Mary Francis Bruce, Brooke Doering, Braxton Gentles, Emily Ohlrogge, Clay Olinger, Kylie Schlenker, Michael Schmiedt, Logan Wieman & Trista White
Inductees: Hayden Beigh, Kailynn Eggleston, Natalie Evans, Bailey
Feistner, AnnaBella Fry, Coen Harvey, Blake Howard, Tristan Jensen,
Camden Jost, Jeslynn Moody, Acaiya Schultz, & Hannah Terkildsen
- Year books can be ordered now through May 3. Cost is $25/yearbook Order form here:
- Please turn in cheerleading uniforms: Football: Aleya Basketball: Anna
- The SC/W Girls and Boys Basketball programs will be working together selling Krispy Kreme Donuts to raise funds for a new shooting gun for the Woonsocket Gym. Order forms will be handed out to next year's 9th-12th Graders. Donut forms will be due on May 7th and Donuts will be delivered on May 16th!
- Juniors interested in applying for a $750 scholarship from Central Electric, please come see Mrs. Foxley.
- Post prom still accepting donations. If you would like to donate contact Elizabeth Brooks
- Mark Your Calendar - There will be a joint Sanborn County Farmers Union/4-H Day Camp at the 4-H Building on May 25th for youth ages 6 to12. Watch for more information to be sent home with students in early May.
Woonsocket School District Covid-19 Update
Woonsocket Active Student/Staff Positive Cases
PK-6 Elementary
Current # positives
Current # recovered cases
7-12 High School
Current # positives
Current # recovered cases
Upcoming Information
FFA has planned a service project at the State Fair Grounds in Huron
for Wednesday, May 5. We will take a bus from Woony at 9:15 and SC at
9:30. We will return at 2:30.
Counseling Corner
Boys State applications are open to all juniors and seniors for the 2021 session! Boys State will be held May 31-June 4 on Northern State University's campus. Applications are due May 1. Please see Mrs. Foxley with questions about how to apply.
The Build Dakota Scholarship is now open. Seniors attending a technical school, please contact Mrs. Foxley to see if your program is eligible for the full-ride scholarship!
We have a monthly book club for adults. If you are interested in joining, please contact Bev Dunn at of 605-796-1412.
Any student at home can do an AR test by contacting Mrs. Dunn and setting up a time to do one over the phone. You can test of email her at 605-461-8905 or
A friendly reminder that you must put on hand sanitizer when entering the library. Thank you.
Just a reminder that you can also get your AR points by doing a book report. Please use the following form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Dunn.
Board members: Jolynn Foos, Kami Moody, Tasha Hagman and Jessica Anderson. Keep saving Box Tops, County Fair United Savers Cards and pop tabs .
Woonsocket Wi-FiThe Woonsocket Community and Events Center has expanded its central role in connecting community residents and visitors. Santel Communications recently installed a Public Wi-Fi system that provides free Wi-Fi.
According to Woonsocket Schools Superintendent, Dr. Rod Weber, “The school’s remote and eLearning platforms require the student’s reliable access to the Internet. It is important for the school to work with families and community to provide connectivity they need to continue learning through varied pandemic conditions and restrictions. Santel approached the school on ways to help and within a short amount of time, free public Wi-Fi was implemented.”
The community center now has Wi-Fi coverage inside and outside the building. The students and public are invited to use and access Internet for their needs. General Manager Ryan Thompson of Santel states, “Our enhanced Wi-Fi systems allow expanded coverage in an area commonly used by the community for many different events and gatherings. If more stringent social distancing is required, we felt it was important to offer students and residents outdoor ‘drive up’ Internet as well. Drive up, park, connect. Easy, safe and convenient.”
Internet-connected device users should select the community center Wi-Fi access point on their device and with no password required the system allows up to a 2-hour session of free Wi-Fi internet.
To add anything to the announcements, please contact