Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Tuesday, March 11
Red Day

Blackhawks Got Talent Music Contest @ Woonsocket - 12:30pm

GBB practice @ Woonsocket - 3:30pm

Play Practice @ Community Center - 5:00pm

5th/6th VB practice @ Woonsocket - 3:30pm

Breakfast: Mini french toast, cereal or breakfast sandwich, fruit & milk

Lunch: Soft shell taco, fruit & veggie, fruit & veggie bar, milk

State B Themes:
    Thursday: Western
    Friday: Hawaiian
    Saturday: Blackout (state shirts)
    Thursday: Red, White, & Blue
    Friday: Hawaiian
    Saturday: Blackout (state shirts)

Click here to purchase State B tickets online (additional fees may apply). 

New CTE Shop Open House at the Woonsocket School

Click here to order your FFA apparel. 

Golf 2025
There will be an informational golf meeting during SRB on Monday, March 17th.
Golf apparel order forms will be due on March 17th.

Track 2025
There will be a track meeting for any interested students in grades 7-12th on Monday, March 17th, during SRB in Mrs. H's Room at 11am. Track practice for all JH and HS students will start on March 24th in Woonsocket. 

Color Guard Sign-Up
9-12 students interested in joining Color Guard, there is a sign-up sheet in the hallway by the office. Deadline to sign-up is March 7th. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Karlen. 

Post Prom preparation has begun. We are planning a fun night of activities and prizes. Any donations can be sent to the school or Venmo @Woonsocket-PostProm2025 or contact Bobbi White Thank you.

3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Where: Iroquois
When: Saturday, April 19th
Click here for Entry Form. 

Anyone interested in being in the spring play (actors or stage crew), please sign up on the drama poster outside the HS office.  This is a preliminary sign-up to see how many people are interested so a suitable script can be chosen.  
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Potrament. 

Unfortunately, YouTube has ended the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket account for reasons unknown to us or our streaming service, Liveticket. There was an appeal process to keep our channel and the archived videos, but YouTube terminated the channel along with six other school districts' channels. All previous videos, including concerts, coronation, and games, have been deleted from our channel and cannot be recovered. We cannot remedy this, but we are searching for a solution to back up all streaming videos moving forward.
We have a new YouTube Channel. Here is the new link https://www.youtube.com/@SanbornCentralWoonsocket
I know that many of us looked back at past videos on our YouTube site, but there is nothing more we can do at this point.

Eligibility will be checked weekly. Pre-eligibility will be checked every Wednesday and Final eligibility will be checked every Friday.

Anyone interested in joining the Yearbook Club, please get in touch with Mrs. Potrament. Meetings will be held based on what fits member schedules. 

There have been some Phishing Emails going to parents of the Woonsocket School.  Some emails are portraying Staff members, Teachers, and even Dr. Weber. They are requesting phone numbers and personal information. Please double check the email addresses that they are coming from. Our Woonsocket Staff uses example-----Rod.Weber@k12.sd.us  emails. If you have any questions, please contact the school.  

If you have not been receiving updates/reminders via text message and would like to be receiving them, please contact the office.

Monday, March 10, 2025


Monday, March 10
White Day

CDE @ Howard - bus leaving Woonsocket at 8:00, SC at 8:30.

GBB practice @ Woonsocket - 3:30pm

5th/6th VB practice @ Woonsocket - 3:30pm

Devoted Students @ Woonsocket - 6:00pm

Play Practice @ Community Center - 5:00pm

Breakfast: Cereal or breakfast sandwich, fruit & milk

Lunch: Corn dog, fruit & veggie, fruit & veggie bar, milk

State B Themes:
    Thursday: Western
    Friday: Hawaiian
    Saturday: Blackout (state shirts)
    Thursday: Red, White, & Blue
    Friday: Hawaiian
    Saturday: Blackout (state shirts)

New CTE Shop Open House at the Woonsocket School

Click here to order your FFA apparel. 

Devoted Students
Devoted Students is open to all SC/W 7th through 12th grade students - we would love to see some new faces! Plan to attend on Monday, March 10th @ 6:00 p.m. We will meet in Mrs. Rodriguez’s room with a supper followed by a study. Please RSVP by letting either of us know, or by sending us a quick message, so we can plan an appropriate amount of food. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! ðŸ™‚
If there are any community members that would like to donate to our meals, please reach out to Mrs. Rodriguez (605-520-4544) or myself (605-770-4520).  
  • Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Deinert

Golf 2025
There will be an informational golf meeting during SRB on Monday, March 17th.
Golf apparel order forms will be due on March 17th.

Color Guard Sign-Up
9-12 students interested in joining Color Guard, there is a sign-up sheet in the hallway by the office. Deadline to sign-up is March 7th. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Karlen. 

Post Prom preparation has begun. We are planning a fun night of activities and prizes. Any donations can be sent to the school or Venmo @Woonsocket-PostProm2025 or contact Bobbi White Thank you.

3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Where: Iroquois
When: Saturday, April 19th
Click here for Entry Form. 

Anyone interested in being in the spring play (actors or stage crew), please sign up on the drama poster outside the HS office.  This is a preliminary sign-up to see how many people are interested so a suitable script can be chosen.  
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Potrament. 

Unfortunately, YouTube has ended the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket account for reasons unknown to us or our streaming service, Liveticket. There was an appeal process to keep our channel and the archived videos, but YouTube terminated the channel along with six other school districts' channels. All previous videos, including concerts, coronation, and games, have been deleted from our channel and cannot be recovered. We cannot remedy this, but we are searching for a solution to back up all streaming videos moving forward.
We have a new YouTube Channel. Here is the new link https://www.youtube.com/@SanbornCentralWoonsocket
I know that many of us looked back at past videos on our YouTube site, but there is nothing more we can do at this point.

Eligibility will be checked weekly. Pre-eligibility will be checked every Wednesday and Final eligibility will be checked every Friday.

Anyone interested in joining the Yearbook Club, please get in touch with Mrs. Potrament. Meetings will be held based on what fits member schedules. 

There have been some Phishing Emails going to parents of the Woonsocket School.  Some emails are portraying Staff members, Teachers, and even Dr. Weber. They are requesting phone numbers and personal information. Please double check the email addresses that they are coming from. Our Woonsocket Staff uses example-----Rod.Weber@k12.sd.us  emails. If you have any questions, please contact the school.  

If you have not been receiving updates/reminders via text message and would like to be receiving them, please contact the office.

Friday, March 7, 2025


Friday, March 7
Red Day

BBB Regions vs Colman-Egan @ Woonsocket - 6:00pm. Winner will play on Saturday at 1:00pm in Chester.

Play Practice @ Community Center - 5:00pm

Breakfast: Chocolate bread, cereal or breakfast sandwich, fruit & milk

Lunch: French bread pizza, fruit & veggie, fruit & veggie bar, milk

The Lady Blackhawks defeated Corsica-Stickney, 45-43, to advance to the State B Basketball Tournament!!! Click here to order your State Basketball t-shirt. Orders are due by midnight on Saturday. 

Click here to order your FFA apparel. 

Devoted Students
Devoted Students is open to all SC/W 7th through 12th grade students - we would love to see some new faces! Plan to attend on Monday, March 10th @ 6:00 p.m. We will meet in Mrs. Rodriguez’s room with a supper followed by a study. Please RSVP by letting either of us know, or by sending us a quick message, so we can plan an appropriate amount of food. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! ðŸ™‚
If there are any community members that would like to donate to our meals, please reach out to Mrs. Rodriguez (605-520-4544) or myself (605-770-4520).  
  • Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Deinert

Golf 2025
There will be an informational golf meeting during SRB on Monday, March 17th.
Golf apparel order forms will be due on March 17th.

Color Guard Sign-Up
9-12 students interested in joining Color Guard, there is a sign-up sheet in the hallway by the office. Deadline to sign-up is March 7th. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Karlen. 

Post Prom preparation has begun. We are planning a fun night of activities and prizes. Any donations can be sent to the school or Venmo @Woonsocket-PostProm2025 or contact Bobbi White Thank you.

3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Where: Iroquois
When: Saturday, April 19th
Click here for Entry Form. 

Anyone interested in being in the spring play (actors or stage crew), please sign up on the drama poster outside the HS office.  This is a preliminary sign-up to see how many people are interested so a suitable script can be chosen.  
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Potrament. 

Unfortunately, YouTube has ended the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket account for reasons unknown to us or our streaming service, Liveticket. There was an appeal process to keep our channel and the archived videos, but YouTube terminated the channel along with six other school districts' channels. All previous videos, including concerts, coronation, and games, have been deleted from our channel and cannot be recovered. We cannot remedy this, but we are searching for a solution to back up all streaming videos moving forward.
We have a new YouTube Channel. Here is the new link https://www.youtube.com/@SanbornCentralWoonsocket
I know that many of us looked back at past videos on our YouTube site, but there is nothing more we can do at this point.

Eligibility will be checked weekly. Pre-eligibility will be checked every Wednesday and Final eligibility will be checked every Friday.

Anyone interested in joining the Yearbook Club, please get in touch with Mrs. Potrament. Meetings will be held based on what fits member schedules. 

There have been some Phishing Emails going to parents of the Woonsocket School.  Some emails are portraying Staff members, Teachers, and even Dr. Weber. They are requesting phone numbers and personal information. Please double check the email addresses that they are coming from. Our Woonsocket Staff uses example-----Rod.Weber@k12.sd.us  emails. If you have any questions, please contact the school.  

If you have not been receiving updates/reminders via text message and would like to be receiving them, please contact the office.