Watch event here: State Wrestling Click on State B Pairings
Congrats to SC/W FFA members Ty Ziebart, Aaron Linke, and Nathan Linke. Ty has been for selected as one of four finalists for Star in Agricultural Placement. He will interview during this year’s FFA State Convention for the opportunity to win the State Star Award. Aaron and Nathan are finalists in their proficiency award areas, Diversified Agricultural Production and Poultry Production respectively. Congrats again for representing SC/W FFA well!
will be taken Today.
Senior Trip to Pierre is tomorrow. Leave time 8:15 and returning by 5:30
Missing IPhone 5 (grey case) from the boys locker room on Monday the 12th during basketball practice.
JO VB meeting Sunday February 26 Woonsocket Commons for girls grades 5-10 4:00.
Senior Trip to Pierre is tomorrow. Leave time 8:15 and returning by 5:30
Missing IPhone 5 (grey case) from the boys locker room on Monday the 12th during basketball practice.
JO VB meeting Sunday February 26 Woonsocket Commons for girls grades 5-10 4:00.
See Luci for Team Paisley Bracelets. Shirts should arrive around March 1.
Lunch bill text will now be coming from Wordware when your balance is $10 and below zero. Log onto your Wordware account and you can customize your dollar amount notification. See Luci if you do not have a login.
Lunch bill text will now be coming from Wordware when your balance is $10 and below zero. Log onto your Wordware account and you can customize your dollar amount notification. See Luci if you do not have a login.
Flu Season is Here
are seeing more and more cases of influenza, pneumonia, respiratory
infections, strep etc. Please do not hesitate to stay home if you are
not feeling well and see a doctor!
Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu is different from a cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
When Can My Child go Back to School?
And most importantly (see the linked brochure): When can my child go back to school after having the flu? Keep your child home from school, day care or camp for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone. (The fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) A fever is defined as 100°F (37.8°C) or higher.
Check out FFA Week's activities in Blue!
Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu is different from a cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Muscle or body aches
- Headaches
- Fatigue (tiredness)
- Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
When Can My Child go Back to School?
And most importantly (see the linked brochure): When can my child go back to school after having the flu? Keep your child home from school, day care or camp for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone. (The fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) A fever is defined as 100°F (37.8°C) or higher.
Check out FFA Week's activities in Blue!
Tuesday, February 21 - White Day
- GB Districts @ Huron Arena 4:00 vs JVC District 6 B Brackets
- BB @ SC
- Winterguard @ Alpena
- Eligibility will be taken
- Pennies for Paisley
- Coloring Contest K-3
- Breakfast: Cinnamon Cake Note Change
- Lunch: Turkey & Gravy on a Biscuit
Wednesday, February 22 - Red Day
- GB @ Woony
- BB @ SC
- Breakfast: Biscuit & Gravy
- Hat Day-Bring a Dollar and wear your hat. Money collected will go to Paisley.
- Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Corn & French Fries
- Happy Birthday to Riley Munoz-Martinez
Thursday, February 23-White Day
- GB Districts
- Send off for State Wrestling
- BB @ SC
- Donut Sale..$.50 Find us by the lunch line
- Happy Birthday to Wyatt Feistner
- Breakfast: Long John
- Lunch: Walking Taco, Salsa, Refried Beans & Cinnamon Puff (6-12)
- FFA Donut Sales will be on Thursday, February 23rd. Donuts will be 50 cents each.
- State Wrestling @ Sioux Falls. Watch event here: State Wrestling
- GB @ SC
- BB @ SC vs Wessington Springs 5:15 JH, JV & V
- Blue & Gold Day
- Root Beer floats for the 8th Graders
- Ag Olypmics for the Middle & High School
- End of Penny Wars
- Breakfast: Muffin & Yogurt
- Lunch: Biscuit & Gravy, Tri Tater & Sausage (6-12)
JO VB meeting Sunday February 26 Woonsocket Commons for girls grades 5-10 4:00.
ATTENTON BASKETBALL PLAYERS Boys and Girls Grades 1-12 – The following opportunity is available for our students to take advantage of should they want to: I have attached the flyer for Spring Workouts that will be taking place in Mt. Vernon starting this Sunday. If any of your kids/parents from your town have attended one of my workouts before I hope they pass on their thoughts. The feedback we received from our last time in Mt. Vernon was great so we are doing these workouts near you so you do not have to drive to Sioux Falls to participate in something like this. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
We have about 10 spots left in each group. We are really big on competing, so the more players that attend the more we can compete. It is also good to compete with kids outside your school. Please pass this on to any of your athletes that have an interest in basketball. Ambush Camp PDF
FFA Membership dues are $20 for this year. The motion was passed by a majority vote of members. Please bring you payment in to Mr Gross. Dues and any other money owed to the FFA must be turned in before being able to attend the Spring CDE's. The first event is March 3rd.
The list of CDE’s for this spring can be found at Spring CDE's
Wednesday, March 1st – 6:00 Commons We need everyone there for Bingo prep!
WEPC Family Bingo & Silent Auction
Sunday, March 5th - 4:00 PM
Woonsocket Gym
Bring your quarters and get ready for fun! Concessions will be available.
Keep saving through spring and summer for the October submission
Community News
Woonsocket Developement Corporation and Community Club will host an
Open House at the Community Center on Sunday, February 26 beginning at
4:30. There will be a free will donation pork sandwich meal along with
various community groups providing entertainment on the new stage. The
addition of a stage as well as storage rooms and a bathroom is now
complete and the event will be a celebration for the community in making
it all possible. Through generous donations to the Woonsocket
Development Corporation and various community fund raisers, along with
support from the City of Woonsocket and the Woonsocket School District,
the dream of having a place for plays and performances of all kinds has
been realized. The Theater Project Committee is anxious for the
community to come and see the community center's new look, as well as
hear performances from the new stage. There will be skits and musical
performances by students and community members throughout the evening.
Everyone is invited by be part of the celebrations.
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