Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Tuesday, August 29th
Red Day

Football practice - JH/HS @ Woonsocket - 4:00pm-6:00pm

Volleyball vs Hanson @ Alexandria - 4:00pm. Bus leaving Woonsocket at 2:30, SC at 2:40. Match Order: 8th, 7th, C, JV, V. 7th and 8th will warm up together prior to the 8th grade match which will be played first.

Breakfast: French Toast Sticks

Lunch: Walking Taco 

Homecoming Information
The homecoming theme this year is Cartoons.  7-12 Class meetings are scheduled for Friday, Sept. 8 at 9:35AM-10:15AM (White Day 2nd block). Homecoming week is September 18th - 22nd.

Art Club
High School students interested in art club, Rain Swenson will be hosting on Wednesday's after school for the first semester, beginning September 13th. Click here for flyer.

5th-8th Grade Parents
Join us Wed., Sept. 6th - 7:30 pm for a quick digital meeting for the 2025 Washington, D.C./NYC trip. Each traveler is eligible for an Early Bird Scholarship of $500!

Click to RSVP: https://rsvp.worldclassrooms.com/rsvp/7996022594?rsvp_id=7996022594

Don't miss out!

Substitute Teachers
The Woonsocket School District is looking for individuals who are interested in being substitute teachers in the elementary and/or high school.  Individuals who are interested need, at minimum, a high school diploma.  Substitute Teacher Pay: Non-certified - $100.00/day, Certified - $120.00/day, Long term (after 5 consecutive days) $130.00/dayPlease contact the school at 796-4431.

For any student or parent wanting to receive school & sports related updates via text, please come see Luci in the office.

Free, online tutoring available for K-12 students
South Dakota students and families can access a new, online tutoring program, staffed by college students who are preparing to become teachers. The Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program offers FREE online tutoring to K-12 students across the state. One-on-one tutoring sessions can help students with their homework, tackle specific trouble areas, and address broader educational concepts.

Counseling Corner
Important Dates 
October 11th - Juniors take ASVAB Test
October 18th - ACT Test at Woonsocket
November 15th - Seniors take NCRC Test
Contact Mrs. Kohlmeyer for more information or look at the website https://sites.google.com/k12.sd.us/woonsocketcollegecareer/home

Huron Scrubs Camp

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

8:00AM- 3:00 PM CST 

at SD State Fair-Nordby Exhibit Hall, Huron, SD

This camp is free of charge and limited to the first 80 students.

Please contact Mrs. Fisher for a registration form.

Community Corner

September 2023 Food Pantry - Wednesday, September 6th at 4:30 (until gone) at Sanborn County Courthouse. Details here.

Wednesday, August 30th
White Day

Football practice - JH/HS @ Woonsocket - 4:00pm-6:00pm

7-8th VB practice @ SC - 3:45-5:30pm

9-12th VB practice @ Woonsocket - 3:45-5:30pm

Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich

Lunch: Cheeseburger

Thursday - August 31st
No School - State Fair

Football practice - JH/HS @ Woonsocket - 7:00am-9:00am

Volleyball vs Ethan @ Ethan - 4:00pm. Bus leaving Woonsocket at 2:30, SC at 2:40.

Friday September 1st
No School - State Fair

Football practice - HS only @ Woonsocket - 7:00am-9:00am

Monday - September 4th
No School - Labor Day

Football practice - JH/HS @ Woonsocket - 7:00am-9:00am

7-8th VB practice @ SC - 3:45-5:30pm

9-12th VB practice @ Woonsocket - 3:45-5:30pm

To add anything to the announcements, please contact sarah.swenson@k12.sd.us.

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