It was decided last fall by school board representatives and administration from Woonsocket, Wessington Springs, and Sanborn Central (WWSSC) to rebrand the football co-op by choosing a new mascot. This would establish the co-ops own identity instead of having the same mascot as the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket Blackhawks. This was also the best time as it’s the rotation year for new uniforms. The opportunity was given to all three schools from the WWSSC football co-op to come up with an idea for a new mascot. Each school chose a mascot and then all three mascots were voted on by 7th-12th graders from each school. The results are as follows:
Bucks- 167
Stallions- 56
Bandits- 21
The Bucks also received the most votes from each school. The WWSSC Bucks will be the official mascot of the WWSSC co-op using the same colors as in the past.
State Wrestling Tournament Tickets. The 2025 High School State Wrestling Tournament will take place in Rapid City at the Monument February 27-March 1. Wrestling families and fans that want to order reserved seat tickets can now do so through the Wessington Springs School. Tickets are $50 each. Checks for the Tickets are to be made out to Wessington Springs Schools. Orders need to be placed and paid for by Tuesday, January 28th. Contact Jason Kolousek to place orders: - 605-461-8584.
Early symptoms
- Sharing a confined space with an infected person for more than an hour
- Having direct face-to-face contact with an infected person
- Coming into contact with an infected person's respiratory, oral, or nasal secretions
- Living with someone who has whooping cough
- Working with high-risk populations
- Spending the night with someone who has whooping cough
Important Dates:
Community Corner
The Woonsocket School has been approached by past alumni to start a Woonsocket Athletic Hall of Fame. We are looking for 8 diverse committee members representing different decades, etc. If you are a Woonsocket High School graduate and would be interested in serving on the Hall of Fame committee, please contact Supt. Rod Weber,, 605-796-4431 by November 15th. More information will be provided about the Woonsocket Hall of Fame when the committee is established.
Spirit of Faith Youth Group – Open to ALL high school students grades 9-12!
Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:00 PM -- Bring a friend!
To add anything to the announcements, please contact
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